We rely on the support of wonderful families like yours to keep this fantastic organization running! Here are some ways you can get involved:
Looking for Space
We are always on the lookout for new and back-up rehearsal spaces; our families are encouraged to contact us if they hear of any open spaces for rehearsals or concerts.
Photography, Audio, and Video Recording
We are looking for parents who would be willing to record or photograph our concerts for archiving and publicity purposes. We can offer training through our relationship with BIG (formerly Brookline Access TV) to any interested volunteers. Please let us know if you plan to bring your own equipment to any performances.
Parent volunteers assist at concerts and special rehearsals by helping with snack breaks, bathroom breaks, and generally keeping the children calm and quiet.
Providing Snacks
Parent volunteers provide our staple snack, graham crackers, for children in their group at dress rehearsals and concerts. Please ensure that any snacks do not contain and have not come into contact with nuts!
Assisting with Weekly Rehearsals
Parents whose schedules allow stay at rehearsals to assist with bathroom breaks and other small needs of the children.
Assisting with Carpools
Some students require extra assistance with transportation to and from concerts and other special events; we need some families to assist in driving them to venues.
Assisting with Music Filing and Organization
Once music is collected from the children, we need volunteers to assist us in organizing copies and returning them to our office.
Opera Committees
Every year, we recruit committees for our spring opera performance. We need volunteers to assist with costumes, sets, chaperoning, and other production matters.
We rely on word-of-mouth and parent volunteers to spread the word about our program; every parent can speak with other families about joining VOICES Boston, and some volunteer to hang posters in key locations.
Program ads are a valuable source of income for VOICES Boston, and we encourage all parents to let us know if they are aware of anyone who would like to advertise with us.